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We are concerned about the proposed Personal Seat Licenses at the new Buffalo Bills stadium.


Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who also owns the Legends stadium management group, recently partnered with the Bills owners. This new arrangement appears to be the driving force behind the plan to price loyal fans out of seats.


What seems especially unfair is we as taxpayers are funding most of the new stadium. Working-class fans cannot afford a $1,000 seat license on top of the rising cost of tickets.


We believe it is completely unethical to allow the Personal Seat License at the new Buffalo Bills stadium. This appears to be a money grab by Jones, double-dipping into the fan’s pockets.  


Buffalo residents are paying more than $600 million in tax dollars to build the stadium and now we are being gouged for more money to attend a game. How does the NFL even allow one owner like Jerry Jones to take money from other NFL teams like Buffalo?


Let’s not forget that Jerry Jones wanted us to move to Toronto just a few years ago to grow our revenue. Jerry Jones is not good for our community. He only sees the Buffalo Bills as a money-making machine and does not care about fans.


We are standing up to Jerry Jones and other wealthy elitists. Football is an American pastime, and won’t let anyone try to take away our love of the game by pricing us out of stadium seats.


Why are we allowing Jerry Jones and Legends to strong-arm our community by threatening to take the Buffalo Bills out of town if we do not go along with his money grab scheme which hurts the fans?


We are putting on our pads and getting ready to take on Jones and his Legends team. We are fighting for the fans, for our team, and for our rights as citizens of Buffalo.

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